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Thursday, 3. July 2003
biology - notes - intro to cells


--- living things arising from nonliving things
--- abolised in 1660 by Francesco Redi

--- living things arising from pre-existing living things
--- term coined in 1870 by Thomas Henry Huxley


Chemical Basis of Life

"ATOM" indivisible particle (parts: nucleus, protons, neutrons, electrons) (Et. Greek 'atomos' indivisible)

"ELEMENT" substance made up of only one kind of atoma

"COMPOUND" substance made up of two or more different elements

"MOLECULE" smallest particle of a compound


Hierchical Organization / Structural Levels

  • sub-atomic particles: protons, neutrons, electrons
  • atom: indivisible particle (parts: nucleus, protons, neutrons, electrons) (Et. Greek 'atomos' indivisible)
  • molecule: smallest particle of a compound
  • organelle: membrane-bound compartments within cell
  • cell: basic unit of life
  • tissue: group of same kind of cells
  • organ: group of tissues acting together to perform specific functions
  • organ system: group of organs interacting as structural units with integrated functions
  • multicellular organism: living entity
  • population: localized group of organisms of the same species
  • community: group of interacting populations
  • ecosystem: system of interdependent communities and environment
  • biospehere: world of life

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    biology - notes - microscopes part II

    "MICRON" µ -or- "MICROMETER" µm
    --- basic unit used in measuring microscopic objects
    --- conversion: 1mm = 1,000µ

    --- microscopic field in which specimens are seen

    --- aligning of objective lens with ocular piece


    Diameter Method
    --- measure diamter of field of vision
    --- use ruler

    ~ the LPO's field of vision (FOV) is usually 1.1mm to 1.5mm in diameter ~


    Computation Method
    --- aim: get FOV of HPO
    --- given:

    • FOV(LPO) in µ
    • ratio of magnification (ROM) of objectives given: ROM = LPO/HPO
    -- solution: ROM x FOV(LPO) = FOV(HPO)


    FOV(LPO) = 1.1mm -convert to- 1,100µ
    LPO 10x magnification; HPO 50x magnification

    ROM x FOV(LPO) = (FOV)(HPO)

    ROM = 10/50 = 1/5
    1/5 x 1,100 = 220

    final answer
    field of vision of HPO is 220µ.

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    biology - notes - microscopes part I

    the use of miscoscopes

    optical instrument used to enlarge (the appearance of) small objects

    how big the object appears -or-
    number of times an object's appearance is reduced or enlarged

    how clear the magnified image is -or-
    smallest distance (d) between two points resolvable as separate points when viewed through lenses


    Proponents (Scientists)

    Zacharias Jansen (1590)
    --- a Dutch maker of spectacles
    --- first compound microscope

    Antony van Leeuwenhoek
    --- first to make extensive use of microscope
    --- used simple microscope

    Robert Hooke
    --- improved on compound microscope
    --- known for microscopic studies of biological specimens

    Ernst Abbe
    --- improved on microscopic lenses



    Compound Microscope
    --- uses two separate lens systems

    Simple Microscope
    --- uses only one lens (approx. max. magnification 300x-500x)
    --- hard to use because of problems with source of light

    Transmission Electron Microscope
    --- useful for viewing dead specimens (sepcimens have to be spliced and stained)
    --- uses electrons as source of light
    --- up to 200,000x to 1,000,000x magnification

    Phase-Contrast Microscope
    --- useful for viewing live specimens (transparent specimens, without staining, can be viewed)

    Polarizing Microscope
    --- useful for differentiating between different types of materials embedded in substances



    (drawing coming soon)

    --- Ocular Piece / Eyepiece (5x-10x magnification)
    --- Objective

    • LPO (Low-powered objective) (approx. 10x magnification)
    • HPO (High-powered objective) (approx. 40x magnification)
    • OIO (Oil immersion objective) (approx. 90x magnification)

    Body Tube

    Revolving Nosepiece (holds objectives)

    Stage (holds specimen)

    Condenser (filters light)

    Mirror (light source)

    Course/Fine Adjustment Knobs (moves the body tube closer to/farther from specimen)


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