project An Excuse To Go Online
Wednesday, 2. July 2003
biology - notes - intro science & technology part I

Et. Latin 'scientia' knowledge, 'scire' to know
systemized body of knowledge

Et. 'bios' life, 'logos' study
the study of life
branch of science dealing with living organisms and their vital processes

Et. Greek 'technologia' systematic treatment
practical application of science

science dealing primarily with nonliving things

science dealing primarily with living things


Branches of Physical Science

  • "PHYSICS" deals with matter, energy and their interactions
  • "CHEMISTRY" deals with substances
  • "GEOLOGY" deals with the history of the earth esp. in relation to rocks
  • "ASTRONOMY" deals with celestial bodies
  • "GEOGRAPHY" deals with the earth's surface


Branches of Biological Science

  • "BOTANY" deals with plants
  • "ZOOLOGY" deals with animals
  • "MICROBIOLOGY" deals with microorganisms
  • "BACTERIOLOGY" deals with bacteria
  • "VIROLOGY" deals with viruses
  • "IMMUNOLOGY" deals with the immune system
  • "MYCOLOGY" deals with fungi
  • "PHYCOLOGY" deals with algae

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